How to memorise ISO 9001:2015 requirements - Part 3

Read the previous parts
Let's move on to the section of implementation of the plan (Do), which will have the requirements under article 8 as follows:
8.1 Operational planning and control operations
8.2 Requirements for products and services
8.3 Design and development of products and services
8.4 Control of goods and services provided by external sources (Control of externally provided processes, products and services)
8.5 Production and service provision
8.6 Release of products and services
8.7 Control of nonconforming outputs
In this section, there will be several departments involved. But before we get to the point of having any departments, let me tell you a few tips.

ISO 9001 requirements
Tips to know

In article 8.1, many of you mistakenly go to the production planning test, but it actually determines the criteria of production control, such as the melting temperature of the product, the speed of the cycle of the belt motor, etc., and the criteria for controlling the product, such as the width, length of the product, as well as how much deviation can be accepted (e.g. +/- 0.5 mm. etc.).
Therefore, the departments involved will initially have QC and production (but if it is a company with a buy-to-let certification scope, it will be the sales department that determines it, probably based on the product catalogue because we bought their stuff and sold it again). But if our company has a R&D department, it's the department that needs to be designated.
In article 8.1, many of you mistakenly go to the production planning test, but it actually determines the criteria of production control, such as the melting temperature of the product, the speed of the cycle of the belt motor, etc., and the criteria for controlling the product, such as the width, length of the product, as well as how much deviation can be accepted (e.g. +/- 0.5 mm. etc.).
Therefore, the departments involved will initially have QC and production (but if it is a company with a buy-to-let certification scope, it will be the sales department that determines it, probably based on the product catalogue because we bought their stuff and sold it again). But if our company has a R&D department, it's the department that needs to be designated.
For more information, please contact sales at 02 964 9918-20
The next directly relevant department of article 8.2 will be owned by the sales department.
Section 8.3 will be owned by the R&D department.
Article 8.4 will be owned by the Purchasing Department. This will be a little special to involve the QC department as well as the incoming inspection section.
Next, article 8.5 is directly related to the production department, but also with the department that has to take care of the matter. Measuring instruments (QC), utilities (maintenance), finally employee capabilities (HRD), some of which many companies have their own training. It is not against any requirements.)
Next, in the check section, there will be the following requirements under Article 9.
9.1 Surveillance, measurement, analysis and evaluation (Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation)
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review

ISO 9001 requirements
Check tips

Almost all requirements are overseen by QMR and the chief executive, but they are interconnected, such as Article 9.1. All departments are involved in determining how data is obtained, measuring methods such as KPIs, etc., or even monitoring in production and quality inspection.
The last arrival is to continuously update the results of the inspection and analysis in article 9, which will be required under Article 10 as follows:
10.1 General
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.3 Continual improvement
It is overseen by QMR, chief executive and QC (which sometimes includes production and sales).
Almost all requirements are overseen by QMR and the chief executive, but they are interconnected, such as Article 9.1. All departments are involved in determining how data is obtained, measuring methods such as KPIs, etc., or even monitoring in production and quality inspection.
The last arrival is to continuously update the results of the inspection and analysis in article 9, which will be required under Article 10 as follows:
10.1 General
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.3 Continual improvement
It is overseen by QMR, chief executive and QC (which sometimes includes production and sales).
It's over with how to remember iso9001:2015 requirements.
For those interested in training courses with SOCOTEC Certification Thailand, please contact sales at Tel. 02 964 9918-20.
Article by : Mr. Pakpisit Pongchak (Chief Auditor)